mercredi 3 juin 2009

Finding My Inner Domestic Goddess

It is official: I am Mrs. Miller.  I did not take Dan's last name. In fact, I told him there were only a few discrete circumstances under which I would take my husband's last name. First, his last name would have to be undeniably awesome. Like "Edge" (this Dan's mother's maiden name). That is a kick-ass last name. Wait, that is the only circumstance under which I would take his last name. In fact, most of my married friends have kept their last names. I know of only three that have changed theirs, compared to many who have kept theirs. Goodness knows I am not one to rock the boat!
The wedding was a huge success! I did not know one is supposed to have so much fun at her own wedding! Everything worked out: the weather, the food, and even the cheesy music!
In other news, I have a new goal for the summer. I am going to unleash my inner domestic goddess! Let's face it: I can't cook, I am not neat and tidy and my idea of decorating is slapping a poster haphazardly on a blank wall. In fact, my utter lack of domesticity was the fodder for my father's toast at the wedding reception. So each week I will embark on a new project. Tonight I am cooking (with the help of my friend Cassie). Pictures and stories will ensue. Below is a picture of me in a properly domestic outfit (I can't seem to get the picture to flip the right way--sad).

2 commentaires:

dahlia a dit…

Congratulations again!

And if you want help learning how to cook, I cannot recommend Mark Bittman's How to Cook Everything Book enough- it is awesome, since it basically teaches you how to cook with what you have in the pantry, instead of just following a recipe.

Cassie a dit…

The dinner turned out so well! We need to do it again soon