vendredi 7 décembre 2007

Movies to Watch

I am so excited for Atonement. There is nothing I like better than romance and war. The film looks absolutely beautiful and I've already fallen - hard - for the score. I feel incredibly guilty for saying this, but I love Keira Knightley. I just think she is lovely. I wish I was as waifish as she. Unfortunately, my love of food, my lack of discipline and my glacially slow metabolism will simply not allow it. I can actually feel my arm fat jiggling as I type, no joke. Shameful. I think my steady diet of celebrity gossip has made me ultra-aware of my weight. I am constantly confronted with pictures of who's up and who's down, and I think to myself, "How the hell did she get down?" I can't seem to lose a pound! Of course, I imbibe way too much alcohol and live off of cookies. I wasn't going to do this on this blog. You know, talk about weight. But it is something I cannot stop thinking about. It is difficult because Dan sees me struggle and sees me cry about it, and he tries to help me the best he can, but his help isn't what I want to hear. He asks me what I had for dinner and encourages me to eat less. I want him to tell me that I don't need to lose weight, not stop eating all of those cookies. I want Dan to tell me that I look lovely, not that my stomach looks bigger. I walk this tightrope of not wanting to starve myself again, of wanting to be normal, and longing for my old, taut self. I was once the girl who couldn't fit into adult clothes. A size zero would fall off of me. I was the girl who weighed less than 90 pounds. And then I think about the collateral damage...and I reach for my Oreos and get fatter. I want to disentangle goodness, discipline and integrity from a number on a scale. But I don't want to be fat. And that leads to this vicious cycle. As I said before, I didn't want to bring this up again. Not writing about it was stupid as it is all I think about. I don't know how I'm going to handle tomorrow night. Allison and I are hosting a holiday party. I know what I normally do: I eat too much, I drink too much, and then I feel like an utter piece of crap the next day. I always tell myself before I go out that I will feel horrible if I pig out. And yet my resolve crumbles the minute I enter the party. If only I could tap into that discipline I had long ago. I will seriously try. I will write on Sunday to let you all know how I did.

3 commentaires:

dahlia a dit…

Jen, you were a knockout last night. Seriously.

Mitchie a dit…

I am also obsessing over the film... am admittedly addicted to a) any and all period films (20's-30's are my favorite eras) and b) Ian McEwan novels. That green dress? Oh. My. Heavens. I'm just hoping I'll be able to make it through the film intact, sans streaming mascara and puffy post-sob undereye bags. What I wouldn't give to be one of those damn girls who cries and looks glamorous. I mean really.

As for the post-indulgence guilt... we'll never win the war against the onslaught of unhealthy media scrutiny or astronomically unrealistic expectations for 'thin' and 'beautiful' in today's eyes. Look at Mattel, after all. Barbie, in her top-heavy hourglass glory, has not changed in decades.

As for me, I am quite adept at throwing myself in the sin pit - drinking too much, too often, recovering from hangovers with greasy calorie guzzles, making excuses for chocolate cravings, etc. The beauty that emerges from all that, however, is hopefully joyful memories, non-judgmental friendships, and the knowledge that nothing is permanent when it comes to our bodies themselves. Weight? It comes, it goes. Health? It too can defy us without warning. Ultimately, though I think the permanence of what we do and who we are lies within us.

You, dearest, are inexpressibly beautiful, a luminous spark in the dreary midnight of winter, one for whom the world is an oyster. Have no shame in those days when you feel like you've fallen into the dregs. It happens. I've seen life from the bottom of the bell jar. But isn't it great to know that there is something to look up towards? xoxoxo

[great blog by the way! love it!]

Bisous a dit…

Thank you so much for your comment! What you said about friendships and memories is spot-on. Whar I remember from my phase of self-denial is loneliness and stress. I regret the friendships I never made because I was too worried about how many calories I might consume if I went out.

About the media...I AGREE! I am tired of being bombarded by weght watching (is she up or down?) and bobble-heads dressed in shift dresses. No more.


And then I buy an US Weekly.

Just a cog in the wheel I say.

I love your blog too!