vendredi 25 avril 2008

Comptine D'Un Autre Été

I am writing from my kitchen table in Bowling Green, Kentucky. A soft breeze enters the room and I can hear birds warbling. These bird sounds are driving my cats crazy. They are pacing by the porch door, desperate to go outside. 
This trip has been enjoyable but I'm also inclined to hate April and May. I feel pasty, sluggish, and completely thrown off-kilter. 
David, Dan, and I traveled down to Bowling Green to escape graduation week. My dad grilled California burgers our first night here. He is in heaven. He loves sitting outside and talking with Dan and David. On Wednesday, they ate paella and did shot after shot of tequila and rum. I had two glasses of wine and called it a night.
I've got a lot of work to do, more than I had anticipated. The past few days have been dedicated to work for my GSRA-ship. Now I have to work on this paper that I'm co-authoring. All I want to do is work on my own stuff. I've been told that I have to finish my prospectus by May 20th. Approved and everything.

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