jeudi 10 avril 2008

States That Are Essentially By-Products

Bisous Cat stays! Hurrah!
Am working in my office but am feeling uninspi(red). 
It appears there will be drinks tonight at La Habana. Here is to hoping that the id obeys the superego. I doubt it. In fact, I HIGHLY doubt it. 
Best thing I've read today (and so utterly true): 
States That Are Essentially By-Products
...I can get A by doing A, but only if I do A in order to get Y... 
(An example) Musical glory or social success falls in the category of state that are essentially by-products - states that cannot be realized by actions motivated only by the desire to realize them. These are states that may come about, but not be brought about intentionally by a simple decision... Attempts to realize these desires are likely to be ineffectual and can even make matters worse. 
--Jon Elster
Mark Leibovich wrote an absolutely riveting article on Chris Matthews. It appears the more we aim for respect, the more we fall dismally short. This reminds me of the time in high school when I was obsessed with being a bad-ass. Nathan had unceremoniously excluded me from his top ten bad-asses at Castle High School. According to Nathan, my efforts to join this storied list made me even less of a bad-ass. Just as Chris Matthews will forever be on the Washington B-List, thanks to his insatiable desire to be on the A-List. Frustrating, I know.

2 commentaires:

AMY a dit…
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Andrea a dit…

Goodness, you (and Jon Elster et al.) could not be more right. Sigh.