mardi 29 avril 2008

Dunder Mifflin is Haven Hall

So this is going to be a very quick entry as I have a meeting in t-14 minutes. There are many aspects of my job that I hate. Whether it be the mundane data crunching or dealing with other people's insecurities, I am always finding a reason to wish I was somewhere else. I imagine that I am no anomaly and that most people hate their jobs (or at least aspects). I am just like the cubicle-dwelling median American! 
So here is my soon-to-be coping mechanism. What I think will make my life more bearable is pretending that I am the star of my own documentary à la The Office. So my painfully awkward meeting (and believe me, it will be both PAINFUL and AWKWARD) that I will be attending is merely COMIC GOLD! The audience cringes with me. And we will all feel better knowing that this too shall pass. 

1 commentaire:

dahlia a dit…

That is a brilliant idea!